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The Books (All 4 Albums)
Audio > Other
180.26 MB

the books books the books music
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Mar 10, 2010


Four albums from the wonderful artists [i][b]Nick Zammuto[/b][/i] and [i][b]Paul de Jong[/b][/i]

[u][b]Thought for Food (2002)[/b][/u]

"Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Have Them Again" – 4:05
"Read, Eat, Sleep" – 3:46
"All Bad Ends All" – 2:42
"Contempt" – 3:20
"All Our Base Are Belong to Them" – 4:18
"Thankyoubranch" – 5:05
"Motherless Bastard" – 4:11
"Mikey Bass" – 2:52
"Excess Straussess" – 2:06
"Getting the Done Job" – 3:49
"A Dead Fish Gains the Power of Observation" – 1:07
"Deafkids" – 1:10

[u][b]The Lemon of Pink (2003)[/b][/u]

"The Lemon of Pink" – 4:40
"The Lemon of Pink" – 1:34
"Tokyo" – 3:43
"Bonanza" – 0:52
"S Is for Evrysing" – 3:32
"Explanation Mark" – 0:19
"There Is No There" – 3:36
"Take Time" – 3:36
"Don't Even Sing About It" – 4:09
"The Future, Wouldn't That Be Nice?" – 3:15
"A True Story of a Story of True Love" – 4:25
"That Right Ain't Shit" – 2:44
"PS" – 0:55

[u][b]Lost & Safe (2005)[/b][/u]

"A Little Longing Goes Away" – 3:30
"Be Good to Them Always" – 4:51
"Vogt Dig for Kloppervok" – 3:54
"Smells Like Content" – 3:41
"It Never Changes to Stop" – 4:01
"An Animated Description of Mr. Maps" – 4:38
"Venice" – 1:42
"None But Shining Hours" – 2:42
"If Not Now, Whenever" – 3:35
"An Owl With Knees" – 4:41
"Twelve Fold Chain" – 4:44

[u][b]Music for a French Elevator and Other Short Format Oddities[/b][/u]

"Fralité" – 1:18
"Egaberté" – 0:53
"Liternité" – 1:21
"It's Musiiiiic!" – 0:28
"The Joy of Nature" – 0:47
"Meditation Outtakes" – 1:03
"A Long Villainous Sequence" – 0:35
"Millions of Millions" – 2:04
"Of the Word God" – 1:03
"Ghost train Digest" – 2:38
"You'll Never Be Alone" – 1:23
"Three Day Night" – 1:01
"Ah..., I See" – 0:20


Please seed, there're no seeders at all
why do people insist on uploading lossy (e.g. compressed rar files) albums?! If you're not going to upload FLACs then at least upload something above 256.
You wouldn't watch a movie on a crappy 14 inch television, so why would you listen to an album like this?!
I'm sure many people would would otherwise love to dl these albums aren't going to since they're lossy. If you have the albums, could you upload them at a higher kbps, please? It'd be much appreciated!